Thursday, October 10, 2013

Coconut Date Shake!!

When shopping at Whole Foods the other day I found a couple "young coconuts" and decided I was going to cook them the way I did in July.  As I was looking up some cooking tips and suggestions I found this amazing recipe.  This is so good and will definitely be a go-to for a low(er) carb and not too bad for you drink that makes you feel oh-so-good.  It will, as the recipe I read online said, 'knock your socks off'...

one young coconut
5 dates (pitted!)
two tablespoons of almond butter
1/4 cup water

Put the coconut water and the coconut meat in the blender.  The young coconuts' meat is really easy to spoon out (vs. an older coconut that is literally impossible)
Spoon in 2 tablespoons of almond butter
add 5 dates to the blender
add ice (I personally grab my ice from Sonic Drive-Thru, weird...I know - but AMAZING and one of the best kept secrets ever.  It makes this shake frothy and SMOOOOTH!)
Blend blend blend. 
Serve in a cute mason jar and garnish with a date or almond because it's all about presentation

Make one and you'll be thanking me later.  One coconut (this recipe) will make three mason jars filled.  If you put 1 or 2 away for later it will still be frothy the next day - or at least with the Sonic ice it will.  Oh yeaaa!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Abs really are made in the kitchen.....and ruined in the living room :(

So the below photo shows 17 days of aggressive clean eating and paying attention to diet.  It's the difference of 10 lbs and a whole lot of belly jiggle gone.  If this doesn't make you realize that abs are made in the kitchen, I don't know what will.  It's sad, but true.....we are what we eat. 

LEFT: September 17th, RIGHT:  October 4th

Like Miley says: can't stop.  won't stop.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cheers! to Sober October...

No this isn't a fundraising thing; just another silly challenge I bestow upon myself - because, well...that's my style. This month, all 31 days of it - will be alcohol free and will consist of mainly H2O intake.  I will; however, drink coffee because I love it.  31 days, no drinking...please - easy as pie.  If I can do 30 days of Bikram Yoga...I can do this.  Who's with me?! :)