Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bikram obsession

"Strong body, strong mind, capable of most things..."

These days a little meditation has been good for my soul, evident of my most recent obsession to bikam yoga.  Thanks to John Tom Tran being a good friend (and making up for being a bad one haha) I was gifted a Groupon for 6 weeks UNLIMITED Bikram....music to my ears.  Although challenge is a healthy thing, I had to learn to be a bit more hesitant on my lower back movements as my first four classes found me with shocking pain in my lower back.  Determined to have a better posture and not to over extend myself, I have been keeping at it and getting much better.  The 26 repeated postures (1/2 of which are standing until you want to pass out or die then they give you some relief to the 'floor series') are said to systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to 100% of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order.  Supposedly proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health and a sense of well being automatically flow throughout the body.  The addiction is definitely an odd one for me.  Its a love / hate relationship because I get excited to go - then I'm there and I want to cry - but then when it's over, I'm obsessed with that feeling of accomplishment.  I'm obsession with basically being so drenched you might as well jumped in a swimming pool and the relief that another class is completed and under my belt.  I am also quite obsessed with the coconut water, squeezed lemon and cayenne I've been enjoying after to bring electrolytes back to my body.  I do a bikram class almost daily in addition to my regular morning training or cardio sessions (making up for 18 work outs in the last 10 days...phew!)

To add to this, I would be lying if I said I didn't like the fact that I get to "ooh" and "ahh" at my new shape and form in the wall to wall mirrors in the studio.  There is something about looking at your skinny body (that you've been looking at overweight your whole life) that you almost can't get enough of.  Hey, I work hard for this and if I get an hour and 1/2 of looking at Tray and my work, all while sweating my booty off, purifying my mind and having a bit of clarity with my recent life changes.....it can't be a bad thing right?  I will continue to take the moments of clarity I have in my bikram class to help aid me through these next couple months of hard work and hardships.

Bikram College of India (The CAMP): http://www.bikramyoganewportmesa.com/
*They often times have a Groupon so if you see one, grab it!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My March...2 Days off!

So my motto has been 'sweat once a day' which of course is not the easiest thing to do when having a full time job, a home to take care of and a life outside of the gym; however, I think I've been doing quite well.  I track what I do daily in this calendar on my desk.  Don't mind the messy scribbles on the bottom, that just indicated a work convention in Houston (which, mind you - I managed to work out every day - traveling there, in the hotel gym and traveling home).  I have a feeling March will be one of the better months for me!  TWO DAYS OFF IS INSANE buuuut I love it and it definitely helped get me motivated for my Caribbean vacation!  Eeek I already have four days off in April.  I gotta make sure I don't slack and don't make April the worst month after March being the best...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My delayed Juice Cleanse results!

Hey ya'll... I'm back from paradise!  I never got a moment to report back on my juice cleanse from Ritual Wellness and I have been waiting to say so much about the wonderful experience!!  I have posted some pictures below but cannot rave how much I enjoyed their juices.  There were a lot of things I definitely learned about eating habits, my body, my love for green juices, my energy level and the lack of sodium and what it does to me.  I had no trouble with the cleanse (unlike other people I spoke to who have done a cleanse similar to this) and believe it or not - I did the cleanse over EASTER SUNDAY!  I felt as though if I was able to get through that Sunday, I was able to conquer the WORLD!

So other than dropping three lbs to my lowest weight yet on the cleanse, the other aspect I enjoyed was my body and how I saw the transformation and shape come through.  I hadn't up until this point saw as much definition in my abs and arms as I did after day two of the cleanse (which was perfect since I was headed for a Caribbean vacay and on day one enjoyed hanging out in my swim suit more than ever).

I didn't work out much on the cleanse; however, I toned abs on Saturday (day one), did a Bikram class on Sunday (low impact but a good sweat) and then my normal weight training with Tray on Monday.  I never felt light headed when working out on the cleanse.  My favorite juice was either the second one (seasonal juice - pineapple / mango) or oddly enough the last one (the almond milk) which I NEVER thought I'd enjoy as much as I did.  I found myself getting really excited for some of the juices throughout the day.

I thought I wouldn't be doing my next cleanse until later in the year but after my vacation I'm already planning the next juice cleanse.  I'm thinking it will definitely have to be sooner than later!  When I do it again - I will report back.