So if any one that's viewed this blog (
all 5150 unique page views of you!!) you may have seen different work outs on top of working out with Tray such as PURE BARRE or BIKRAM. Well, I have my stats and after all is said and done, my average for the year was approx. 1.5 work outs a day. I'm so beyond proud of myself and, although there were definitely bumps in the road, it makes it nice to look back and see a year of activity and movement. It has kept me sane, level headed and moving forward (despite major set backs in the last 12 months, more importantly in the last 3!).
This coming year (2014) mostly likely will not beat my 537 work outs I completed in 2013 (DAMN!), however; it will include many unique work outs and different ways of movement. Not only this, 2014 will include a massive focus on NUTRITION.
So 2013 Jen Is Trayning STATS....ready for it?
Morning TRAY work outs = 173
Pure Barre work outs = 129
24 Hour Fitness visits / general cardio = 125
Bikram Yoga classes = 76
Spin classes (at 24 or FULL PSYCLE) = 20
Other (rock climbing, dance, hike...etc.) = 14
(7 of which were in the end of December from being sick and traveling)
I love stats and I'm a fan of seeing my efforts in terms of numbers.
537 workouts divided by days in the year =
1.47 work outs a day.
If you've read some or all of these posts you have probably realized I'm a fan of challenges and extremes. I'd like to think it's go
big or go home and I'll never disappoint myself faced with a challenge (100 club pure barre, juice cleanses, 30 days of Bikram...etc.). With some aspects of life this quality is good and can be a blessing but with
food it's NO BUENO. I'm looking to educate myself in the importance of balance as this is the MOST important thing to living a long happy life. I went SO back and forth at the end of last year. Eating terrible on the weekend and perfect Monday through Friday to lose the previous weekend, then - I did it all over again. This is going to be the year where my relationship with food will be a healthier one and I'll be back to the perfect balance I was early Summer last year. How fun! Another CHALLENGE!
WELL numbers don't lie - Jen really was TRAYNING in 2013. I'm so excited to see how my nutrition changes my results. This is the year of the 6 pack....bring it on 2014!