Monday, November 16, 2015

6 Months til the "I Do"

You know when those memories pop up on Facebook and it shows you that it's been "3 years since this happened" or "5 years that you've been friends with so and so"... well today was a good one.  It's been 2 years since my big 30th birthday bash.  I would be lying if I said it didn't feel like that long because the truth is, it feels like forever ago.  Back then I was young and having fun, throwing big parties, not a care in the world... and I was also a size 4 - HAHA.  It feels like long ago since that time because truth is - SO much has changed since then.  First and foremost - I have an amazing fiancee whom I could not live without!  The best part is, the "me" at my 30th birthday would have laughed in your FACE if you told me I would have met my soul mate and had been getting married in two years.  Literally, laughed in your face.

In any event - the time has come.  6 months until I say 'I do' and when that time comes, I want to know I did everything I could to make sure I was prepared, felt great and was the best version of me.  My training for my wedding begins NOW!  I will be logging meals in DAILY, I will be working out (different work outs focusing on different parts of the body) and I will be aiming to lose 15-20 lbs by May.  This is much less than a pound a week, not drastic at all and I know my body can get there, because I was there once before.  People would argue that this is a lot, but trust me - I know my body, I know what I hide well and I know it's not too much, rather - just the perfect amount.

The plan -

To MACRO or not to MACRO, that is the question. 

What does tracking your macro-nutrients mean?  In the fitness world, this simply means tracking your protein, carbohydrates and fats you consume on any given day.  Macros is ALL ABOUT measurements and food scales.  There is no snacking here and there - it's a straight forward calculation of the exact amount of food you have daily.  Luckily I have a scale, and I have the MACRO it is!  I know, and have seen first hand, that flip-flopping back and forth from tracking to not tracking puts you no where close to your goal.

Since I have a deadline to meet, my focus will be on tracking my MACROS.  I gained knowledge in this type of food intake when I was working with nutritional coach Nikki Boyd from The 12 (2 locations - Irvine and Costa Mesa).  If you ever need a real breakdown of what you should be eating, when and how much of that particular item... go hang with Nikki for 8 weeks.  You will not regret it!

Workouts - mixing it up between legs, arms, YOGA and sauna.

I feel as though, when I was at my leanest and when I felt the best - I got a chance to sit in the sauna pretty often.  In my 6 month journey, I am going to sauna (or try to) 3 x a week.  The heat is really good for skin complexion, health, body aches/soreness...etc.  Also, YOGA is needed.  No matter how much you think it's not a work out (compared to some of my crazy cardio work outs) - it is.  It will be pertinent to help me achieve the ultimate balance and long, lean muscles.

Be good to myself.

Now, more than ever, I've had to learn how to go easy on myself.  It's easy for me to get down on myself and SUPER derailed, quickly.  I'm going to cut myself a break when needed.

Check in WEEKLY.

My 'weigh in / measurement day' is going to be WEDNESDAY.  I am going to go to The 12 (in Irvine) as that has been the machine I've always used and do my body fat analysis.


These are a lot of measurements to have blasted out there but the truth is - I am really happy with myself lately.  Sure, there are ALWAYS those 5-10 you want to drop, but in reality, I really am happy with how active I stay, my body and it's athletic features/figure, my progress over the months...etc.  I am just under 20% body fat (as of two weeks ago, so this could have changed) and most of my ranges are in the 'normal' zone - which is great!  

I just know that I have a big event in 6 months and it's the perfect time to kick it into high gear!  

Here's to the next 6 months / 24 weeks / 1/2 year!!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

NEW TREND: Compression Socks!

It's been a bit of time since I've posted (almost 6 months - SHAME because I love this blog!  Since I'm getting into WEDDING SHAPE NOW!!  woo hoo...a post to follow...I will be making sure to update this with good finds and new things I learn about re-getting into shape haha)

I could blame  my lack of posting this on the fact that I've been busy lately getting my nutrition in order, dropping 3% body fat - almost under 20%! - or been busy moving into my new place (in May) - beach or bust! - or simply been busy getting engaged - Mrs. Duke Awesome, oh yea! - but really I have about 5 unfinished posts from the last four months touching upon everything from ClassPass to adult soccer leagues and recipes using spiralizers or protein powder in different baked goods.

Regardless, I decided to start small and just write about something I love, my compression socks. Truth of the matter is, I've seen the most amazing California hiking trails with my (now) fiance and eventually I'll back track and write about each and every one of them, but man - with how much we've done in the last 6 months, it sounds like a SUPER daunting task.  From Torrey Pines to the most northern redwoods at Prairie Creek State Park, there is SO much content, and SO much to write about. For me to jump back into Jenistrayning, and get a post up here...we're going to touch upon my expensive, yet super effective socks.  Yes, socks.  People who use them, swear by them (including myself) and people that see them at the Nike store gasp at the price...

So what is compression wear?

Compression socks, mainly used by marathon runners are said to increase oxygen delivery, decrease lactic acid, prevent cramps and minimize muscle fatigue.  Although research shows that there is very little evidence that exists proving compression garments work in athletic and training purposes - in my personal research, performance is through the roof.  Cycling, training, jumping, running - my calves are in tact and less cramped from high impact exercises.  My muscles do not move sideways or around much at all, making my calves...I don't know... happy?  I'm not too worried about the science of it or figuring out exactly how it works - I can just attest to the fact that I like it.

Some have compared the socks or compression wear to the same effect as taking an ice bath.  For me, the $50 price point was steep; however, after my OC 1/2 marathon (oh man...ANOTHER post I have in the pipeline!) I've found I've worn these socks roughly 3-4 times a week and would probably wear them every time I trained had I not had to wash them (and hang dry them - I mean they ARE $50 socks, no dryer for those).

Locally, other than Nike, there is a store called 2XU located right in Fashion Island:

They have a lot of compression technology and might be worth a try.  I own compression pants and socks and enjoy both for different training purposes.

Phew I'm back...more to come from JIT.  For reals this time... ;)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday Morning FIT-TATA!!

This weekend was another one for the books... Love was in the air, sweat was dripping in multiple work outs and MANY things were accomplished at the home (which will soon be rented to three amazing people...tears).  Productivity had to be in full swing and lots of energy was a MUST.  I decided on Saturday morning to make something different for breakfast, which was a nice change to our standard (but beautiful) over easy eggs, bacon, avocado and greek yogurt with fruit, mornings.

I made a FIT-TATA which was so tasty!  The best part about this meal is that you can change the ingredients in your fritatta to whatever you fancy.  Unfortunately (but fortunately) for the Duke and I we had limited to work with but it came out SO well and balanced.



1/2 chopped onion
whole bell pepper chopped to small pieces
about 1/4 package ground turkey
two pieces of bacon
fresh grated parmesan
liquid egg whites (or about 6 whole eggs) - I used mostly liquid egg whites but to not scare off the mr. - I added 2 whole eggs beat with a bit of milk to the mix, for color.


Over some coconut oil cook up all ingredients about 3/4 of the way.  Cook the turkey until no pink shows, cook the onions and bell peppers til soft and cook the bacon about 3/4 of the way there...remove all ingredients form the stove and place in a mixing bowl, mixing together - EXCEPT THE BACON AND THE PARMESAN, this will be used for topping later.

In a 9 inch round pan (or a Pyrex dish) - sprayed with cooking spray (I love coconut oil spray) place vegetables and meat.

Slowly pour over egg whites, or beaten eggs and place in oven for about 20 - 25 minutes

Just about the time you can pierce the egg dish with a fork and have it come out clean, pull it from the oven and top with fresh grated parmesan and chopped bacon - placing it back in the oven for another 5-7 minutes (or until you see the cheese browns on top).

Let sit for about 5-10 minutes to cool and serve up a slice with some sour cream and chalula or hot sauce of choice!

Other options for this meal would be including some cooked spinach, baby tomatoes, asparagus, more peppers or green chilies, potatoes, different kinds of cheeses (fontina or cheddar)... possibilities are endless!

Also - keep in mind, your mixture can always be put in a muffin tin to make 12 small baby fritattas to have some 'grab-n-go' breakfast treats - start your mornings off right!

Happy and Healthy week to everyone!!

Some additional weekend photos below.  Spent all day Saturday getting the room ready for a new renter - which consisted of a power sander, gray/green and white paint and of course champagne on ice!

 BEFORE: orange and LOUD - walls covered with an adhesive from previous music studio foam and in need of some serious TLC....
AFTER: calming colors, clean walls and no old 70's accordion blinds.  I'm not sure what these blinds are called but they are just about the worst thing ever and I could not let my renter deal with these...I pulled them off the wall and putty'd up the holes. 
After a GRIT CYCLE class this morning with my cousin Michele, (which I suggest you try if you're in need of a sweaty dance session on a bike) I picked up some new salad dressing at Greenleaf in Costa Mesa - AVOCADO LEMON, YUM!  It's SO GOOD and will be tasty on our BBQ items we make, as well as salads.  $7.95 for this bottle that lasts about 3 weeks - not TOO bad...
 First salad with my dressing...butter lettuce, cranberries, squeezed out and drained tuna with parmesan, a great pre-beach run treat
A beautiful Sunday to have a 4 mile beach run in Crystal Cove - we are so blessed to live in such an amazing place.  We're big state park fans and California has this one dialed in, it was lovely
 Getting our steps in while soaking in the California SUNSHINE!

Keep smiling and living mindful and happy!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Virtual "kudos" keep you movin!

First and foremost (as I'm about to discuss accountability - what an oxymoron), I apologize for the delay in a new post as I know it's been FAR too long.  I assure you, I have been DEEPLY involved in my fitness - just busy as most of us have.  Still, I know, it's no excuse.  I love this blog, I love the followers who have asked for some updates (from California and as far away as Michigan) and I promise to work my magic in the kitchen, on the spin bike and in the yoga studio to report back on my fitness findings.  For those of you who could care less - I hope you at least find the humor in some of my posts (cardio barre?  yea, that will be a good one) OR at least find the content (photos of beautiful hikes and interesting food choices) cool enough to just scan through.   

As I mention above - accountability has been an interesting topic for me today, so I figure it's a good jump back into my JIT blog.  Why is accountability important when it comes to fitness?  Why can it be helpful to have someone else going through the trials and tribulations you are?  Will that actually stop you from grabbing the pint of ice cream in the fridge?  Umm maybe not...but it will definitely keep you motivated.  A recent trend...and not to imply this is NEW at all, just new to me...would be accountability websites, Facebook groups and get togethers. I shied away from this in my earlier years of fitness.  I was a brat and thought it came easy to me - but in reality I was hiding from other more personal things.  I "didn't need those challenge websites"...I "just do it on my own"....I "have discipline" - BLAH BLAH BLAH.  Realistically, I had a lot of personal things going on and was using fitness as a scapegoat.  Quite simply, I was spending time in the gym because I didn't want to spend time at home.

Now - shoot life is good man!  Life is SO good. I'm super happy.  I'm loving my weekends and time off and traveling. (You may have noticed this change in my personal life if you follow Facebook or even this blog).  Regardless, as I've come to realize, ACCOUNTABILITY is more important now then ever - cause shit, it's NOT easy!  Balance is hard and if finding that balance and if being good to yourself can be better achieved with others - great!

Having a fitness partner is great because you also have a photographer! haha!!

Some fit friends of mine (an amazing group of strong, motivated women) started a Facebook group today for accountability.  We were all involved in a different one before but not as personal.  This one is ending, so rather then just go our own separate ways we're committing to being accountable together in our own group.  But WHY?  What makes this such an important part of the fitness journey - aside from you know... the obvious?

Would you believe that statistics show that people who work out alone have as low as a 43% success rate, opposed to those who work out with a partner who show up to a 95% success rate.  HUGE numbers there.  Having an accountability partner can facilitate a more consistent, regimented and disciplined work out routine/schedule.  You'll be motivated to work out more often seeing other people get their sweat on. Nutrition is a whole another aspect.  When I log onto Facebook and see that my "fitness peeps" are eating healthy, it's making me second guess about wanting a massive burrito and reminding me of why I'm even working hard in the first place.  Now that I think about it, I was most consistent and successful when my roommate AND I were working together to food prep and keep each other going. 

Believe it or not, this blog - as seldom as it's probably glanced at by others - is part of my accountability.  I look for cool and interesting recipes.  It keeps me checking out new classes and learning more about metabolism (future post, and an interesting one, I promise) and I work hard so I can show success here...on blogspot haha.  I think the key is finding YOUR accountability and holding on to that...not being ashamed of it.  Mother, boyfriend, friend, blog, Instagram, Facebook, food diary, photos....whatever it is!  In reality - we need each other.  Not only that, I can't think of a more win/win situation!  We're all helping one another out to be healthy and live an awesome, energy filled healthy life....BAM!  Music to my ears!

 Loved ones can be a great motivator.  Be open and honest about your goals and do it together.  Achieving goals together can be fun :)

My Jawbone UP team is the jam.  We motivate each other, give each other "virtual kudos" and keep each other rockin!

A good resource if you aren't involved within a fitness community is run / managed by "Danegerous".  He's committed himself, and will help you commit yourself to health!  Reach out to him and scan his blog (

If you're interested to join our accountability group - message me!  I would love for you to be a part of one of the ones I am in.  We're committing to sending our meals on a daily basis, share work outs and fitness goals and successes (as well as down falls).  I have a couple I'm a part of and I can tell you - they're great and so are you so again, win/win. :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

30% to $195! (hiking all stars cont.)

So we're now $58 in to our $195 spend on the California State Parks Annual Pass.  Mind you, this is $58 in 11 days!!!  Something tells me we're going to FAR exceed our $195 into the pass (and have many awesome stories along the way).

Added parks to gush about:

Topanga State Park (

Topanga is beautiful.  Actually, that's an understatement.  The miles of views looking toward the ocean are breathtaking and the terrain is that of a hike in Arizona.  The paths are paved just enough to make you feel comfortable - but not make you feel like a weakling. There were definitely times we were "off roading" on some unpaved paths and even came across a section where there was a mountain lion trap (we're so badass).  It was the first time on one of these hikes my heart skipped a beat a bit.  It was 4:15 PM and we were 1,000 feet down - in which we trail ran to get there.  We had a long ways to go and the sun was looking to disappear, so we hiked it!  1,000 feet up to be exact.  Over a mile and 1/3 straight up.  We were sweaty and defeated, as we saw no waterfall but felt SO good about the work out we got, the photos we took and the awesome time we had together.

 Lots of cool photos to be taken!
 Gorgeous views for miles and miles...
Not so amateur any more!

Crystal Cove State Park (

How lucky am I?  I return from a hair appointment early in the am on Saturday to a pre-planned state park jaunt w my SPPIC (state park partner in crime) for a lovely Saturday afternoon.  Now we've hit El Moro many times (the upper canyon a bit farther south from Crystal Cove) but never hit the lower trails by the beach.  Ian really knew how much I wanted to get my "steps in" because with all this state parkin'...I'm on a 9 day streak at this point (and now, writing this - up to an 11!)  The lower trails were very nice, flat and really good for a recovery day - meaning a day in which you finish Topanga State Park less than 24 hours prior and your booty needs a bit of a break.  The trails are DOG FRIENDLY because they're paved and you can use the stairs down to the beach very easily.  There are beautiful tide pools to climb over, awesome places to take photos and had we had a packed lunch - we could have found great places to hang out and just enjoy the scenery.  We saw a California seal pretty close up on a rock right next to us which was very cool.  The entire trail from parking to end, down to the beach and back up was about 2.5 miles.  A shorter one than we're used to but one of my favorites so far for it's simplicity and ease.

 Crystal Cove'in it
 Ian is such a natural behind the lens :)
 Can you see the seal in the distance?
 Again, what an eye...
Tidepools!  So cool even though I fell in one haha


Feeling so good leading into the NEW YEAR!