Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm here I'm here (and still crazy active!)

What. a. last couple weeks.  It's been a MONTH since I've posted!  No worries Jenistrayning team - I have NOT fallen off the map - in fact, anything but!  I've been kicking ass and taking names and I feel as though I've been finally getting back to full training mode.

Fitness friends I've been everywhere and anywhere over the last several weeks - healthy (and not healthy --- ekkk Vegas #umph).  In any event I wanted to update the good 'ole blog on some happenings in the 'Jenistrayning' camp through May, starting with the OC HALF MARATHON!

I can say there are few moments where you really get excited about being physically fit.  I mean most days I'm happy to be full of energy and that gets me excited.  I enjoy being positive, feeling good and accomplished and making good decisions (for the most part).  The idea that I can get out of bed early and be worked out, showered and changed by 7:30 AM is always a better feeling than when I used to run out the door at this time after waking up 10 minutes earlier, throwing on clothes and rushing to open the office.  For me, the OC Half was a moment where crossing the finish line I felt accomplished.  I sat back (drinking my Stella Artois - my first alcoholic beverage in 30 days) and realized that the number on the scale does not matter.  The carb count, calorie count, lbs lost weekly - it's all obsolete.  What is important was that I am physically able to run 13 miles straight and THAT'S the true accomplishment.  I burned 2,000 calories by noon on the day of the marathon and felt like I was flying.  It was also a good reason to buy myself an "I hate running" shirt - which went over very well day of.

I've truly worked my ASS off for almost two years now and the OC HALF was a true indication of dedication and determination. I'm not getting too ahead of myself but I'm already looking into the LONG BEACH HALF in October and maybe one day will get myself a beach cities medal? 

BIG congratulations to my cousin Heather Breitweiser who completed her first (of many? haha) HALF MARATHONS.  Her and her friend decided to do this months ago and trained a great deal to finish the race.  We crossed the finish line together and I could not be more proud of her accomplishment!

Enjoying a NICE cold BREW at the end of a very LONG 13 miles!


I completed WHOLE 30 in May!  (early May...I know I know, again with the delay on my updates)

Whole30 was an amazing experience.  First of all, my SKIN!  Holey moley - It's AMAZING how much your skin is affected by preservatives and crap in your food.  My skin was GLOWING by week four.  In addition I dropped 6 lbs and several inches - but to be honest, I wasn't really counting.  My hair grew a whole inch in May and my mental state was beyond anything I've experienced since November of last year.  I may have mentioned this in a previous post, but the holidays were rough on me and eating CLEAN whole foods for 30 days straight (with no unpronounceable ingredients) was like natural zoloft.  I highly recommend for anyone up for the challenge...and as my friend Stefanie can tell you it takes persistence and dedication (but pays off very well in the end).  I make much different choices now that I stripped these items from my diet for a month and when I go off the rails and make bad decisions it effects me in a way it should - which I've learned is how the body works. It's a temple and I plan on continuing to treat it as such.

 Did you get your tickets to the GUN SHOW yet? ;)

Hmmm what else.  Where to go from here?  Well - this month I embark on 60, 50, 40, 30....You're probably thinking "what the hell are you talking about?"

So to ween back into my 30g or less of carbs a day (as I was hitting it hard this time last year) I've decided to start with 60g or less a day for the first week, 50g or less a day for the second week, 40g or less a day.......etc.  I'm on 50g or less a day and with exception of totally passing out on the couch by 9:30 PM on Memorial Day weekend Friday, I'm getting over the hump and feeling good.  Definition is coming back and will power is kicked in.  This all leads up to my dear friend's wedding in mid-June where I will have a wonderful cheat filled wedding weekend - can't wait!!